miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

Summer of 09, I MISS YOU!

Oh when I look back now, the summer seemed to last forever.
And if I had the choice, yeah I'd always want to be there.
...And there's where I met you...
...Oh and when you held my hand I knew that it was now or never.
Those were the best days of my life!!!!!!!
Back in the summer of 09!!!
It was the summer of 09!!!
Me and my baby in 09!!!

Los recuerdos de verano siempre tendrán un rincón especial en mi corazón.

Bueno, cambiando de tema...
Y dejándome de melancolías...
Mañana por fin llega el dia de...
¡Qué apetecible!
Ya os contaré con todo detalle el evento.

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