martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Books, TV and Music

"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my hands around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage, and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on th bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane"

-Looking for Alaska-

"-Hemos estado más tiempo separados que juntos.
+Ha pasado mucho tiempo.
-Sí, y muchas cosas.
+En cierto modo somos unos extraños.
-¿Sí? Y, ¿quién eres tú?
+Quien tú quieras que sea."

-The OC-

"Life is like a box of crayons. Most people are the 8-color boxes, but what you're really looking for are the 64-color boxes with the sharpeners on the back. I fancy myelf to be a 64-color box though I've got a few missing. It's okey though, because I've got some more vibrant colors like periwinkle at my disposal. I have a bit of a problem though in that I can only meet the 8-color boxes. Does anyone else have that problem? I mean, there are so many different colors of life, of feelings, of articulation. So, when I meet someone who is an 8-color type, I'm like "Hey girl magenta!"; and she's like "Oh, you mean purple!" and she goes off on her purple thing, and I'm like "No, I want magenta!" "

-John Mayer-

"Dear God, make me a bird, so that I can fly far away from here"

-Forrest Gump-

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